Jessica Simpson Admits to Not brushing Twice Daily

May 13, 2010

NEW YORK, USA: Some might call this ‘TMI’ or ‘too much information,’ but Jessica Simpson recently told Ellen DeGeneres that she only brushes her teeth three times a week because she doesn’t like her teeth to feel “slippery.” Simpson made her dental hygiene confession recently on DeGeneres’ television show.

Most dental professionals would assume that the blond bombshell, who some would say has a million dollar smile, would take better care of her pearly whites.

Apparently Simpson — who once wondered aloud on a television show whether a can of Chicken of the Sea tuna was tuna or chicken — falsely assumes that flossing every day, using mouthwash and occasionally wiping her teeth with a shirt are acceptable alternatives to brushing.

But a representative from the not-for-profit Delta Dental Plans Association, based in Oak Brook, IL, USA, says Simpson is in danger of losing her smile, and any kids who may be looking to her as a role model could be in for some pain if they choose to follow her ill-conceived oral hygiene practices.

“While flossing and using mouthwash are certainly good oral health practices, doing these things while neglecting daily brushing is like running around in the shower and calling yourself clean. Sure, you feel pretty good afterward, but chances are you missed some crucial spots,” said Chris Pyle, director of public relations for the Delta Dental Plans Association, a provider of dental insurance.

And that ‘slippery’ feeling is actually a good thing, Pyle said.

There’s a name for that coating Jessica said she needs to give her lips traction, it’s called plaque — a naturally occurring coating of bacteria, he said. Cavity-causing organisms within plaque feed on sugar and turn it into acid, which attacks tooth enamel and leads to tooth decay. Flossing and mouthwash alone are not sufficient to remove all of the plaque that’s hiding on teeth, according to Pyle.

What’s worse, he said, Simpson’s hygienic transgression is no victimless crime. Prospective love interests should know that harmful bacteria are transmissible through kissing.

“Sure, at the end of the day, a person thinking about kissing Jessica will need to weigh the risks with the reward. In this case, it still might be worth the risk but, come on, Jessica, brush twice a day and the possibilities are endless,” Pyle said.

Delta Dental is a national network of independent dental service corporations specializing in providing dental benefits programs to more than 54 million Americans in more than 93,000 employee groups throughout the country.

Delta Dental recommends that people brush their teeth at least twice a day with a toothpaste, floss every day and make annual visits to the dentist.

I think this article is so funny, I had to share it. I highly recommend not following in the footsteps of the blonde super star. I tell my patients to brush 2 times per day and floss once per day. With braces I recommend 3 times per day. – Dr. Alpan

The Perfect Smile

May 10, 2010

How much is a perfect smile worth? Is there a dollar value one can place on the importance of a smile? I don’t think there is a $ amount that can be associated with a smile. There are some actors and actresses that have made millions from their smile. Your smile has effects on your life that you probably never think about. Did you know that when someone looks at you, 70% of their opinion is made with no verbal exchange? Is that opinion of you real accurate if it is just your appearance? How much do you invest in your appearance yearly? Haircuts, hair color, eyebrows, eyelashes, nails, gyms, bleaching, make up, creams, lotions, beauty supplies, clothes, cars, homes, etc…..
Some would say $50-100,000 extreme makeovers are the best! The one shot solutions can create some instantaneous awesome results, but will they last. What is the maintenance with these decisions? Some say you must have Invisalign then Veneers? Others say you need Braces first then Cosmetic Dentistry? All my Orthodontist friends say full braces are the way to go? All my Dentist friends say full mouth crowns is the best?
I am convinced that one option is the not the best for all people. When there has been lots of dental work done on many teeth over many years, or lots of damage to many teeth the makeover may be the best option. If there are multiple missing teeth then implants may be the best option. For a younger individual who has all their natural teeth Orthodontics and a combination of Cosmetic Dentistry can be the best option. Each situation has an ideal treatment plan to create the most ideal outcome. When designing a plan for a perfect smile there are many factors that play a role in the final decision. The most common issues are money, total time for treatment, pain, appearance, the amount of time for each visit, parking, traffic, work, spouse, parents etc….. The best plan always starts with the motivation. The more motivated you are to achieve the perfect smile the easier it will be to accomplish it. Independent of age or money there is a solution that is the best for you.
At Aesthetic Orthodontics we work with Cosmetic Dentists, Periodontists, Endodontists, Oral Surgeons, and Plastic Surgeons to help create the most ideal plan for the smile of your dreams. We all agree when a smile looks beautiful, the question is, does your smile look the way you want in your face? Do you have the perfect smile you have always pictured for yourself? If you have issues with the size, shape, color or contour of your teeth then cosmetic dentistry should be considered. If the position of the teeth is not ideal, then Orthodontics should be considered. If you are concerned about a combination of problems, then orthodontics and cosmetic dentistry should be the plan. Dr. Alpan offers no charge for the initial consultation to evaluate how perfect your smile is or can be. Please call the office to schedule a smile design consultation today.

Is a Perfect Smile Fake looking?

March 22, 2010

I am a huge fan of beautiful white smiles, but not when they look fake. Have you ever seen a smile that looked good but way too white or way too perfect? I think a natural look blends with the beauty of the face and person much better. The teeth have to match the face and body type. Small people with huge teeth or large people with small teeth don’t look proportioned. Beauty is defined by each one of us, but balance, and symmetry can help to create beauty. At Aesthetic Orthodontics our goal is create beautiful smiles that are balanced and designed to maximize each individuals unique attributes.

Smile Makovers

March 22, 2010

Your smile says a lot about you. Would you think that if you had the smile of your dreams, it may be a little easier to smile? Your smile can tell a lot about your mood or how you feel. Most uncomfortable situations can be easily resolved with a smile. Why is a beautiful smile so important? Statistics show that 70% of peoples’ perception is non verbal communication. We all know that your smile can have a dramatic impact on your self esteem and subsequently can play a role in the success of your life. Your self esteem may be hinged on an area that can be changed or improved. Most of us think of A Smile Makeover as an expensive and painful process. Consider Invisalign, Clear Damon braces or incognito for an aesthetic/esthetic painless solution. At AO we want to find an affordable solution that is not painful or will not have a dramatic effect on your life style. We don’t use any shots to get your teeth straight. If there is anything that bothers you about your smile, please call us immediately for a complimentary consultation.

If your smile is not becoming to you then you should be coming to me

February 11, 2010

How much is a smile worth? Can anyone put a $ value on a smile. How does your smile impact you? How do you think your smile influences others? The secret to a healthy beautiful smile is not really a secret. Aesthetic Orthodontics prides itself on helping people every day from ages 5 to 75 with creating the most incredible smiles ever. After a smile make over, how do you think one feels about themselves and their new smile? How many times a day do you use your smile?